
Marketing Matters Weekly

Content Strategist & Brand Messaging Craftswoman 💡 I read 180+ articles every week and hand-pick 5 to 7 of the most useful ones for you. You get actionable marketing insights, thoughts, trends, tools, and techniques for marketers who want to grow—straight in your inbox.

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đź“® Your content should be stamped and mailed [Marketing Matters #22/2024]

Content not displayed right? View it in your browser. Was this forwarded to you? Get your own subscription! I'm sending this newsletter out today to a few thousand people. Every time I do this, I feel grateful—you've given me the privilege of addressing you directly. Today, I also take a moment to appreciate how far technology has come. I don't need to send this message to a printer. I don't need to fold every piece. I don't need a set of stamps. And while technology has made things better,...

Welcome to Hell signage

Content not displayed right? View it in your browser. Was this forwarded to you? Get your own subscription! "39.2% decrease," the LinkedIn Analytics dashboard screams at me in red. The past few weeks have been a tough ride. Most marketers and creators on the platform look in horror as their impression counts drop, even with good engagement. An analysis from experts I trust reports a 40% drop on average, so I'm apparently smack-dab in the middle of the bell curve. You don't need to be...

a crocheted koala holding a paintbrush next to a white easel

Content not displayed right? View it in your browser. Was this forwarded to you? Get your own subscription! I'm a productivity geek with tons of experience in optimizing personal and team workflows. And this is a problem. I've always recognized inefficiencies and tried to eliminate them. But as tech becomes more powerful, we seem to reach a point where "optimizing" requires us to sacrifice a part of our humanity. There are simple examples of optimization gone wrong. The other day, I received...

a black and white photo of a building

Content not displayed right? View it in your browser. Was this forwarded to you? Get your own subscription! I recently revisited one of my best-performing blog posts and was reminded of a question I often get asked. Why do you describe things in so much detail? To be clear, this isn't a quip about my writing being boring or overly verbose. It's about a common fear content marketers seem to have, especially (but not only) in service businesses. What if, after reading your detailed blog post,...

persons hand with white manicure

Content not displayed right? View it in your browser. Was this forwarded to you? Get your own subscription! If I had a magic wand, I'd love to dispel one myth about personal branding – and content marketing, in a wider sense. I'd often tell people that they need to talk about their brand on a daily basis. I often get one very specific type of pushback: "Oh no," people would say, "I don't want to be too aggressive and promotional." That's entirely not my point. Talking about your brand can...