๐Ÿคฉ An Algo-geddon isn't all bad news [Marketing Matters #21/2024]

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"39.2% decrease," the LinkedIn Analytics dashboard screams at me in red.

The past few weeks have been a tough ride.

Most marketers and creators on the platform look in horror as their impression counts drop, even with good engagement. An analysis from experts I trust reports a 40% drop on average, so I'm apparently smack-dab in the middle of the bell curve.

You don't need to be marketing on LinkedIn to know what I'm talking about.

It's a familiar story:

A platform is ripe with opportunity. You invest effort in it. The job gets harder as the channel gets more competitive. Some random algo tweak erases half of your results in a span of a few days.

But I can't help but smile and stay optimistic.

Because I've done two important things:

  1. I've chosen which channels to focus on for strategic reasons. I didn't just jump on the platform du jour. I saw an opportunity based on a good audience fit and a proven business fit with my services.
  2. I've used social media as a means to an end. My end goal isn't thousands of followers. It's to attract people to my newsletter, where I can communicate on my own terms, with no volatile algorithm getting in my way.

And here's what I expect will happen now.

As the excitement around LinkedIn fades, some disillusioned creators will stop posting. The previously overcrowded feed will leave more room for the rest of us. At the same time, LinkedIn's team will keep tweaking the algo, and what worked yesterday won't work today and will completely change by tomorrow.

That's OK.

I don't need a quick hit of results because I've worked on building a direct way to reach the people who actually want to hear from me (that's you, and thank you for the time and attention!)

I can keep posting and testing new stuff because LinkedIn fits my goals best, even if it's harder to make it work.

That consistency will be rewarded with attention from the right peopleโ€”not tens of thousands of followers, but people ready to take action.

Can you say the same?

Did you choose the channels to market on because they are trendy or because they fit your strategy?

Do you have a way to always move attention from the fickle social platforms to a place where you're free to build long-term relationships?

If you have 2 Yesses here, then you've done everything you can to ensure success.

If not, you'd better get to work before your social media channels are the subject of a new reckoning.

Planning matters,

P.S. If you want someone to spitball with about strategic channel choice and moving people from social to a platform you control, drop me a line. I'd love to jump on a call and talk through your options in a free intro call.

๐Ÿ“† Event Invite

โ€‹Personal Branding Primer: Escape the Competition Trapโ€‹

This has been a personal-branding-oriented month in my work, and no wonder. I see more and more people interested in building their profiles online. But how exactly can you stand out? We'll try to answer that and many other questions in this session. If you sign up, you'll benefit from hearing not just my opinion but that of my colleague and friend, John Ostrowski, better known as Positive John. Now, who doesn't want a brand like that?

โ€‹Join us live for free โ†’โ€‹

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โ€‹The Psychology Behind Search: Cognitive Biases in SEOโ€‹
Searching for information is an innately human behavior. And, like everything human, it can be pretty biased. This post explores how cognitive biases impact our searches โ€“ and how knowing these biases can help you get noticed in Google search results. This is a great point I've never seen explored in other content, so pay attention!

โ€‹Long-Tail Keyword Strategy: What It Is, Pros, Cons, and Moreโ€‹
I'm already sold on Grow & Convert's concept of using long-tail keywords to drive business results. It's good to keep the limitations and cons in mind, though โ€“ and this post presents them quite clearly. If you're not familiar with the approach, you can learn more about it and the exact step-by-step process for the best results.

โ€‹13 High-Converting Social Proof Popup Examples Thatโ€™ll Drive More Sales
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โ€‹3 Ways to Use an Ellipsis aaaand โ€ฆ Keep Your Readers Hookedโ€‹
I'm a big fan of ellipses, and I love to see them used to make writing more conversational. If you're not 100% sure how to use them, check out this piece and... well, use them!

โ€‹Influencer marketing trends across industriesโ€‹
I rarely get a chance to work on influencer marketing campaigns, but I'm on the receiving end of so many of them, especially for DTC brands. And I can definitely understand why influencer marketing has become a go-to approach for so many. This post covers some important trends you need to consider - from changing consumer habits and social selling to long-term brand partnerships and the impact of nano-influencers.

๐Ÿ‘€ Interesting stuff to click on

  • โ€‹This article on burnout โ€“ 40% of Gen Z believe burnout is part of the game. This piece explores burnout's "new normal" status and what we can do to prevent it.
  • โ€‹This curious branding story โ€“ if youโ€™ve ever wondered how a drug gets its name... wonder no more!
  • โ€‹Weekly cat โ€“ there's a new AI platform in town!

I hope you like these!

๐Ÿ”ฅ That's a wrap! Before you go...

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Marketing Matters Weekly

Content Strategist & Brand Messaging Craftswoman ๐Ÿ’ก I read 180+ articles every week and hand-pick 5 to 7 of the most useful ones for you. You get actionable marketing insights, thoughts, trends, tools, and techniques for marketers who want to growโ€”straight in your inbox.

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