📮 Your content should be stamped and mailed [Marketing Matters #22/2024]

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I'm sending this newsletter out today to a few thousand people.

Every time I do this, I feel grateful—you've given me the privilege of addressing you directly.

Today, I also take a moment to appreciate how far technology has come.

I don't need to send this message to a printer.

I don't need to fold every piece.

I don't need a set of stamps.

And while technology has made things better, in some sense, it has also made things worse.

If marketers had to do all these things, we'd be way more mindful of what campaigns we launch or what posts we publish. We'd agonize over every word. We'd look at four different versions before choosing the best one. We'd sweat over every typo. And we'd painstakingly assess the results.

It's no wonder that the Golden Age of Advertising happened when production was a complicated affair.

The more friction there is, the more thinking will go into getting it right.

Now, I'm no Luddite—I love the freedom that comes with digital technology. But I feel we can still use the old mindset to improve our work today.

Here's a simple question that will improve your next piece of content:

Would you publish this post if you had to go and buy a stamp for it?

It's a reminder that just because we can doesn't mean we always should (and yes, I absolutely quoted Jurrasic Park on you!)

I've been thinking more and more about this over the last few days. I may even print it out painstakingly embroider it on a throw pillow for my office.

When things are difficult to do, we do better.

So, let's try to do better anyway.

Attention matters,

P.S. What are your thoughts on the relationship between quality and friction? Let me know!

📚 From the blog

Next-Level Marketing: Skills for Success in 2024 – and the Resources to Get You There

If you're in marketing, you can never afford to stand still. It's a constant journey of improvement. In this piece, I examined the trends affecting our career trajectories in marketing now. I paired it with a full database of marketing resources that I use to stay sharp and get sharper. You may find your next read or a new favorite podcast there.

Read the post →

👌 Handpicked Stories for You

10 welcome email examples that instantly win over new subscribers [+ free-to-use templates]
Welcome emails are strategically important. They are not just the ones with the highest open rates, but they've been shown to affect churn and long-term engagement. This post features some great examples you can get inspiration from, as well as 11 things to include in your welcome series (just don't go overboard and cram them all into the same piece.

An Anonymous Source Shared Thousands of Leaked Google Search API Documents with Me; Everyone in SEO Should See Them
This is probably the biggest piece of news over the past months – and the vetting process of the leak has been pretty thorough, so I am inclined to trust the data. I'm linking here to the original post from Rand Fishkin that started it all.

Here are a few other links: a very detailed technical documentation review, a well-structured recap, a much more next-steps-oriented piece for marketers, and the recap of this crazy-crazy week from Rand.

It's a big topic, and I suggest you take the time to familiarize yourself with it. It will definitely impact your strategy! In fact, I'm only featuring three topics this week so you can focus more on this one.

Coca-Cola Focuses Lens on Innovative, Lower-Budget B2B Content Play
Seeing what a B2C marketing giant like Coca-Cola does in B2B is quite interesting. Here's a recap of what their new B2B platform is and what you can learn from it. The key lesson to me is "don't overcomplicate a new initiative from the start." What the team has done is pretty simple, yet allows for strengthening that thought leadership position.

👀 Interesting stuff to click on

Well, these were fun—hope you like them!

🔥 That's a wrap! Before you go...

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It takes 12 seconds. Writing this one took 2 hours and 15 minutes.

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Valchanova.me—a blog by Vassilena Valchanova
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